
Best word processor for mac 2021
Best word processor for mac 2021

Also, the core apps typically share a similar interface, so you can move from one to the other without difficulty. That means, for example, that the drawing tools in the presentation app are typically also available in the word processor and spreadsheet app. One thing that all of today’s suites have in common is that their core apps-the word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation app-share much of their underlying code. Depending on the suite, and, in some cases, depending on which version of a suite you choose, you also get a mail and calendar app, a database manager, PDF-editing software, a note-taking app, website creation tools, and any of a dozen miscellaneous apps and services that cover everything from video conferencing to form-building.

best word processor for mac 2021

Three apps remain the core of every office suite: a word processor, a spreadsheet editor, and a presentation app. Many office suites offer the latest version to existing users at a discount, so you might not need to pay full price when you decide it's time for an upgrade. That's an important benefit, but if you don't really care about getting the absolute newest updates, you might prefer to purchase a static standalone version. With any subscription-based office suite, your apps automatically stay up to date with all the latest features and security updates. The cost of a subscription depends on how many devices you need to use the software on, as well as which apps you need. Google Workspace is a subscription-based service (we refer to the free version as Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides), while Microsoft 365 and SoftMaker Office both offer standalone and subscription-based versions. Others, such as Corel WordPerfect, require you to pay a one-time cost.

best word processor for mac 2021 best word processor for mac 2021

Some office suites-such as those from Apple, Google, and LibreOffice-are free.

Best word processor for mac 2021