This forum has an informal discussion of the origin and popularity of the idea that Adam was 15’ tall and that humans have degenerated since creation (note the similarity to the size of the giant human suggested by Joe Taylor’s 47” femur sculpture based on an anonymous letter from Turkey, or Egypt, or Syria, or somewhere over there). (Attributing a large stature to Adam – “more than twice as tall as men” living today – was one of Seventh Day Adventist Ellen White’s controversial additions to the Bible). It enjoys little direct support from the Bible itself, which makes no statements about the height of Adam or Noah or any other key pre- or post-Flood humans. That “bigger is better” view of giants is rather uncomplicated and, I think, a minority view among those who take an active interest in the topic. Bigger is better, and humans were both bigger and better in the past. As the clock “winds down” on creation and mutations accumulate, plants, animals, and humans have gotten smaller and less perfect.

What I termed a “Biblical theory of prehistory” (BTOP) specifies that human, animal, and plant life were created perfect but have been degenerating though time. In a previous post, I discussed one connection between creationism (the idea that the natural world is the result of a divine act) and the belief in giants.